March 2023

Recover the Cisco ASA Firewall

If the old Cisco ASA 5505 won’t boot, you need the Cisco console cable You can then use ROMMON to figure out what the status

Why not enable AD recycle bin?

Not really any good reason, unless you have a really large org or some policy preventing this. There have been some issues with ntds.dit growing

Upgrade SYSVOL replication to DFSR

When adding newer domain Controllers to a MS network, we might be using the old FRS and we have to upgrade to DFRS

A local search engine that works

If you think that Windows search engine is slow and has got it’s limitations, here’s an alternative that works VERY well, this just does its

Export your 365 config

The MS365DSC is an extensive powershell module that allows exporting, importing, monitoring, comparing and automating 365 conifigurations. It is a very capable and a