The issue
In short; Intel don’t want you to use their consumer NIC’s with enterprise OS (Windows Server).
But you want to use your Network interface card with any OS -Right??
So that’s when we need to do some hacking, their driver package needs to be adjusted a little..
This is true for many integrated NIC’s such as I219-LM, I211, I217V, I218V and the I219V
The resolution
Find your Hardware ID in device manager
Search the Intel driver Pro package package for your ID, (search in PRO1000+Winx64+WS2022 if you have a Windows 2022 server)
gci -path J:\hack\Release_28.2.1\PRO1000\Winx64\WS2022\ -Recurse |select-string -Pattern “ven_8086&DEV_15B8” |Group path | select name
Remove the control flags under the [Control Flags] section in the inf file.
Copy a block of text to another portion of the file. The block to copy from is [Intel.NTamd64.10.0.1] . Add this content to the section under [Intel.NTamd64.10.0].
Then we need to disable the driver checks in Windows:
Use Windows “test mode” and disable driver signing and checking
For UEFI devices, you can do it like this:
bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON
bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF
After a boot, Windows will show:
Install your driver by pointing to the folder you were working in.
The driver is installed and you can then turn the “TESTSIGNING off” and “NOITEGRITYCHECKS on”
Thanks to Didier Van Hoye, at
Installing Intel I211, I217V, I218V and I219V drivers on Windows Server 2016 with EUFI boot