AutoHotkey is a free software for creating keyboard macros on Windows

You have some redundant task right?

-Use a keyboard macro.

And you don’t need a fancy keyboard with a software, you can use AutoHotkey,- a free software for Windows available in the Microsoft store.

Especially handy when working from a laptop.

The coding

Along the software follows an Autokey Help file and he documentation is great.

Just do a little readup and you’re good to go.

The scripting language is a custom language exclusive to AutoHotkey. This language bears some similarities to several other scripting languages, but also has its own unique strengths and pitfalls. 

There is  language support for  several editors including Visual Studio Code , Notepad++ etc.

This is for IntelliSense, debugging, formatting, and more

Example script

Make sure to install V2 as V1 is deprecated. The two versions have a little different coding style.

When the following script is started, it runs in the background and can be found in systray.

This particular example will auto-type “…” when you press ctrl+1

					^1::SendText "To Whom It May Concern"

The scripting language is quite extensive, you can also create a simple GUI with this, example follows:

					MyGui := Gui()
MyGui.Add("Text",, "Please enter your name:")

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