Optional features
Check available optional features: DISM /Online /Get-Capabilities Install an optional feature: DISM /Online /Add-capability /capabilityname:Media.MediaFeaturePack~~~~
Check available optional features: DISM /Online /Get-Capabilities Install an optional feature: DISM /Online /Add-capability /capabilityname:Media.MediaFeaturePack~~~~
$laptopname = Read-Host -Prompt “which laptop” Do { IF (Test-Connection -BufferSize 32 -Count 1 -ComputerName $laptopname -Quiet) { Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_physicalmedia -ComputerName $laptopname | Format-List
It can happen on Widows 10, you are unable to connect with apps like Outlook, Teams or OneDrive and it states “no internet connection” allthough
The issue In short; Intel don’t want you to use their consumer NIC’s with enterprise OS (Windows Server). But you want to use your Network
Working with MS Storage Spaces MS Storage pool is great but there are some culprits to be aware of. Quick lessons: You want to align
On a 2022 server, if you had a cert installed and it got revoked, -or you decided to revoke it, you will be unable to
Repair Windows Server 2016 with DISM dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth /source:WIM:d:sourcesinstall.wim:2 /limitaccess sfc /scannow About the WIN
A new Win 11 Home OEM was upgraded to Professional by buying an upgrade through the settings. Unfortunately it was upgraded to Enterprise instead of
Upon cloning a disk using Acronis cloning tool I was clumsy and deleted the boot partition. So Win 10 would not boot, and would not