PS get large files
Larger than certain size:
After some trial and error and readup on the topic, I wrote a script that encypts text with AES 256bits encryption to a file that
If you activate the WSL Windows feature, images and config will reside under %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages Some simple powershell commands for managing WSL List images Uninstall an
I’ll give you a beep! First number sets the pitch, second the tone length [console]::beep(500,300) [console]::beep(2100,300) You can use it in a script to warn
To check integrity of your downloaded file, there is a built in “get-filehash” in Powershell example: Get-FileHash -LiteralPath This utility can do -Algorithm {SHA1 |
Office 365 Cutover migration, from on-premises Exchange. If a cutover migration is right for your scenario, make sure to not run the Dirsync, or Azure