Office 365 Cutover migration, from on-premises Exchange.
If a cutover migration is right for your scenario, make sure to not run the Dirsync, or Azure AD connection tool first. -run it later.
Or your 365 tenant will be set to “Dirsync enabled” and you won’t be able to create the cutover batch.
In order to revert the Tenant to standard, run:
set-msoldirsyncenabled -enabledirsync $false
This change could take up to 12 hours to replicate across 365, thats why I’m telling you 🙂
But most of the time it’s alot quicker.
Check if Dirsync is enabled on the tenant or not:
Check migration status and the batch percentage complete:
Get-MigrationStatistics |fl
Get-MigrationUser | Get-MigrationUserStatistics | FT Identity,PercentageComplete