If you need to restore multiple MS SQL DB’s from BAK files, this Community driven Powershell module does the trick (among a whole lot more..)
install in powershell 7.0 with
install-module dbatools
Get help by issuing
get-help *Restore*
and details
get-help Restore-DbaDatabase
Restore your files in specific folder with
restore-dbadatabase -sqlinstance servername -path c:\temp\backup -withreplace
Backup multiple databases
$server = 'servername'
$dblist = 'dbname01','dbname02','dbname03'
$path = '\\fileshare\Backups\'
Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $server -Database $dblist -Path $path -Type Full -CopyOnly
Backup all databases
$server = 'servername'
$path = '\\fileshare\Backups\'
Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $server -Path $path -Type Full -CopyOnly
Also after a SQL DB restore it is necessary to re-map SQL user logins.
Windows logins SID is not affected, but a restored SID is not the same as the old. So a T-SQL script like this will resolve nicely
USE DBname