Latest Office build crashes on 2016 server

The latest MS Office build 16.0.18324.20168 released on 01.07.25 does not work with MS Server 2016. It crashes with KERNELBASE.DLL messages and occationally a message like “unable to find react-native-win32.dll”

The only solution to this that I have found is to downgrade Office to an older build

We can accomplish this by running Office Deployment Tookit with the “/configure” switch and specify parameters like:

  <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="Broad">
    <Product ID="O365BusinessEEANoTeamsRetail">
    <Version ID="16.0.17328.20670"/>
    <Language ID="nb-NO" />

Make sure to specify your correct licensed version. The available versions can be found here and the build numbers and release dates here

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