Office 365 Cutover migration endpoint issue

After the initial Azure AD Sync and ADFS ready configured I was starting on the Cutover migration for this project.

I was unable to create the endpoint to the on-premises Exchange 2010, and I recieved the following message when running the “test-migrationserveravailablilty”
“We weren’t able to connect to the remote server. Please verify that the migration endpoint settings are correct and your certificate is valid”

However all my settings on the on-prem Exchange were ok and tested successfully with the Microsoft remote Connectivity Analyzer

So kind of stuck then!

Well, the solution was to disable IPv6 on the On-premises Exchange server.

This is done by editing the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters\

And create a DWORD 32bit value with the name “DisabledComponents”

Disable IPv6 with a value of 0xff

This procedure is described in detail here: Disable IPv6

So after a boot, this solved my 365-Exchange connection issue using Outlook Anywhere, and the cutover migration could continue.

What a life:)tech-support




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