Stop being annoyed when SSH’ing from Win to Linux

When SSH’ing from Windows to Linux you need OpenSSH_for Windows.
This is available from “settings-Apps-Optional Features”

Fine you say, but the Colors in SSH terminal look like shit. Yes, the blue is unreadable.
This is true both from CMD, Powershell and even Powershell 7

If you upgrade from a previos Windows version, you’ll keep your original defaults including the 0x0000ff deep navy blue on black –

If you clean-install Windows 10 Creators Update or later, you’ll get the new default color palette but out of the question.

Yes, you could use Putty and all is good, but you dont want that.
Then you could edit the color scheme of your Bash ,- but you don’t want that either. The colors are just fine when SSH’ing from Linux

The simplest solution: Use another terminal, like Windows Terminal 😊

Get it from the Win Store: Windows Terminal

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