Posting this primarily as reference to self
So, why would you do this? Well first of all Mikrotik routers may have very limited memory, so for storing logs, searching entries and specify your custom view on a Web page is one reason.
Other reasons: A nice learning process. I find it somewhat challenging and rewarding in the end. Especially the php coding and sql queries to a html table had me going for some I am not a programmer ?
OS: Debian Jessie Release 8.11
Php: v. 7.3.5
Syslog-ng: v. 3.5.6
Apache: v.2.4.10
MySQL: v. 14.14
Tool tips: Use Atom when editing code, with the “remote FTP” package for uploading.
Mikrotik terminal code, add syslogging rules:
You can also add furhter logging actions using the graphical Winbox, in system/logging, “rules” and “actions”
/system logging action set 3 remote= add name=ZLogServer remote= target=remote /system logging add action=ZLogServer topics=pppoe,ppp,info add action=ZLogServer topics=system,info
Syslog-ng config, add to /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
@include "/etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/" # Accept connection on UDP source s_net { udp (); }; # MIKROTIK ########### # Add Filter to add our mikrotik filter f_mikrotik { host( "" ); }; log { source ( s_net ); filter( f_mikrotik ); destination ( df_mikrotik ); }; destination df_mikrotik { file("/var/log/zlogs/${HOST}.${YEAR}.${MONTH}.${DAY}.log" template-escape(no)); }; source s_mysql { udp(port(514)); tcp(port(514)); }; log { source(s_net); filter(f_mikrotik); destination(d_mysql); };
Create Zlogs folder mkdir /var/log/zlogs
service syslog-ng restart
verify incoming syslog data:
tail -f /var/log/zlogs/#HOST.YYYY.MM.DD.log
Mysql, create database
Logon to mysql in terminal or via PhpMyAdmin, to run T-SQL code for creating DB and tables:
#Create DB create database syslog; use syslog; #Create tables in syslog db CREATE TABLE `logs` ( `host` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `facility` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `priority` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `level` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `tag` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `program` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `msg` text, `seq` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (`seq`), KEY `host` (`host`), KEY `program` (`program`), KEY `datetime` (`datetime`), KEY `priority` (`priority`), KEY `facility` (`facility`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; exit;
Bash script to create Mysql.pipe:
mkdir /temp touch /temp/ chmod +x /temp/ nano /temp/
#!/bin/bash SQLID="username" SQLPASS="password" export MYSQL_PWD=$SQLPASS if [ ! -e /var/log/mysql.pipe ] then mkfifo /var/log/mysql.pipe fi while [ -e /var/log/mysql.pipe ] do mysql -u$SQLID syslog "the char less than"/var/log/mysql.pipe "the char greater than" /dev/null done
run the script manually as a test: /temp/ &
Add to startup like sudo crontab -e
@reboot /temp/ &
Check SQL data in the table “logs” using mysql:
select * from logs;